Fashion has drawn inspiration from sports dating all the way back to golf in the 1920s. In honor of the NBA finals playing out over the past week, let’s look back at the impact that NBA players have had on the fashion world. Many star players like Magic Johnson and Dennis Rodman came before him,… Continue reading NBA As In Next Best Apparel
Category: Blog
… writing on trends and topics within the media industry and pop culture.
Post-Pandemic Fashion
Nobody could’ve imagined how a virus would shake up protocols for everyday life around the world. Major events throughout the course of history, such as The Great Depression, WWII, The Space Age, etc., have influenced people inside and out. As a result, we usually see the aftereffects of these events revolutionize the fashion world and… Continue reading Post-Pandemic Fashion
Everyone Needs “A Little Bit Alexis” In Their Life
Warning: This article contains spoilers. The sixth season of “Schitt’s Creek” has finally hit Netflix and people from all over are scrambling to watch the mega-hit comedy that swept the 2020 Emmy’s in all major comedy categories. “Schitt’s Creek” became the first show in history to take home seven Emmys in the top comedy categories.… Continue reading Everyone Needs “A Little Bit Alexis” In Their Life