No Free Samples

Posted by @Brett Jordan on Flickr

Following in the footsteps of fashion, music is now in its 2000s era, making use of prominent songs from the early to mid ‘00s in modern music production.

Daniela Uribe AW22 — A Shoe For All Seasons

Posted by @danielauribeofficial on Instagram

Daniela Uribe is a Colombian designer with her own line of footwear that transports wearers to ‘Daniela’s Glamourland.’ Her collection debuted for the first time at Flying Solo’s AW22 show during New York Fashion Week. During the show, Daniela’s shoe collection was paired in conjunction with clothes from SK Creations, NMB New York, Bye Bambi… Continue reading Daniela Uribe AW22 — A Shoe For All Seasons

Categorized as Blog, Fashion

Fendi X Versace — Fashion’s Holy Union

Posted by @versace on Instagram

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to marry these two Italian fashion houses in the bond of holy matrimony. We have two iconic luxury Italian fashion houses — Fendi and Versace — uniting to create a collaborative show at Milan Fashion Week SS22 affectionately dubbed ‘Fendace.’ Fendi Creative Directors Kim Jones and Silvia Venturini… Continue reading Fendi X Versace — Fashion’s Holy Union

Categorized as Blog, Fashion